
Labradorite is a stone that is full of mystical energy, it will help refresh and find you new creativity. It helps relieve tension and anxiety bringing a higher lever of calm. It can clear out the negative energy that causes bad moods and boost motivation.

clear quartz

Clear Quartz has a very high vibration that can help amplify and purify energy as well as intention. It can bring you towards enlightenment and have a cleansing effect on the mind, body and soul. It can also act as an amplifier for other crystals abilities.


Citrine has strong cleansing and regenerative properties, Citrine radiates an energy full of warmth and light, this energy is closely related to the sun. As a stone of abundance it can help to manifest and attract prosperity. Citrine brings an aura of happiness and joy, just like the sun.

Citrine is known as the Merchant Stone.  It helps to attract success, abundance and maintain wealth. It can promote and increase positive emotions, energy, happiness and Joy.

tigers eye

Tigers eye has a powerful energy that combines the uplifting presence of the sun along with the grounding qualities of the earth. This allows one to feel a high vibration but still remain grounded. It is known as a stone of balance and is said to increase self-worth and self-esteem.

rose quartz

Rose Quartz promotes forgiveness, peace, and compassion. It purifies and opens up the heart. Rose Quartz helps reduce stress, and tension, and promotes self-love. This allows one to express love, sensitivity, and compassion towards ourselves and others.

Rose Quartz is known as the LOVE stone.  It helps with matters of the heart.


Obsidian, also known as volcanic glass is a stone without boundaries that is extremely powerful, though it is often overlooked. It is often used as a strong protective shield to block out negative energy and has a very grounding effect.


Aquamarine has a calming energy that can assist with removing stress and providing one with a true sense of inner peace. It can encourage self-expression and sooth our inner most fears. Is said to encourage and inspire personal growth.


Ammonites are the fossils of an extinct group of mollusc. These fossils contain an ancient life force energy capable of being channelled into the present day. They are a great meditation tool and represent strength, perseverance, and longevity.


Amethyst has long been seen as a symbol of peace, cleansing and calming energy. It is said to protect the wearer from negative energy as well as bringing soothing dreams. It can help the mind flow freely and ward off impatience.

Amethyst is a stone of intuition and protection.  Helps to purify negative thoughts, promote calmness and peace.  It is known as a Master Healing stone.  Can help with clarity, emotional balance, and raising to higher vibration levels.

Lapis Lazuli is thought to increases the psychic abilities and open the door to spiritual journeying, it is an excellent stress reliever and radiates a peaceful, serene energy. It has a strong connection to the Throat Chakra which helps us to express our selves clearly.

7 Chakras related to Gemstones

Base Chakra: Red

-Red Jasper, Smoky Quartz, Hematite.

Sacral Chakra: Orange

-Carnelian, Orange Calcite

Solar Plexus Chakra: Yellow

-Tigers Eye, Citrine


Heart Chakra: Green

-Rose Quartz, Aventurine

Throat Chakra: Blue

-Sodalite, Blue Quartz, Aquamarine.

Third Eye Chakra: Purple

-Amethyst, Lapis Lazuli, Fluorite

Crown Chakra: White

-Clear Quartz, Amethyst,